The terms and conditions of this disclaimer apply to this website www.sto.ie
When you visit this website and/or use the information provided on this website or offered via this website, you accept this disclaimer. If there is any conflict between the terms and conditions of specific products and services ordered via this website and this disclaimer, the terms and conditions of those products and services shall prevail.
Use of the Sto-website
The information on this website is only intended to be general information. No rights can be conferred by any of the information on this website. Even though Sto takes every care in compiling and maintaining this website and uses sources that are deemed to be reliable, Sto Ltd cannot be held liable for the accuracy, completeness and currency of the information supplied. Sto Ltd does not guarantee either that the website will operate flawlessly or without any disruption.
Sto Ltd expressly declines any liability with regard to the accuracy and completeness of the information supplied and the (uninterrupted) use of this website.
Use of information
Sto Ltd retains title to all of the intellectual property rights and any other rights relating to all of the information supplied on or via this website (including texts, graphics and logos). It is prohibited to copy information from this website, to download or to publish it in any way, to divulge or to reproduce it without the express prior permission of Sto Ltd or the lawful permission of the beneficiary. You may print information from this website and/or download it for personal use.
Sto Ltd reserves the right to amend all of the information supplied on or via this website, including the text of this disclaimer, without any prior notice. It is therefore advisable to periodically check whether the information supplied on or via this website, including the text of this disclaimer, has been amended.
Applicable law
This website and the disclaimer shall be governed by British law. Any disputes arising from or in connection with this disclaimer shall only be settled by the competent court in the UK.